Thursday, January 19, 2012

worst movie ever. seriously.


okay so I'm pretty religious and besides that this movie was ridiculously stupid with no point at all. they were insulting jesus the whole time and making jew jokes. this was all complete religious sattire and i didn't think it was funny and if they were going to make fun of it i would have not pissed me off so bad if the stories were so inaccurate the way that they portrayed it. they pissed all over christianity and i did not appreciate it. Jack Black can do much better than this.

What the critics said
"There's plenty of lowbrow, knuckle-dragging humour; coupled with all the gay jokes, poop jokes, Jewish jokes and you're-stupider-than-I-am jokes."
- Betsy Sharkey

1 comment:

  1. I agree! This movie was so boring and stupid. Plus I do not like that kid from Juno. His voice sounds like his balls have not dropped yet. And also I find Jack Black a bit of a try hard. He totally tries too hard to be funny.
