Thursday, January 5, 2012

MY new years resolution.

 This year I will be done with smoking, no exceptions; I have been smoking for two years and I have asthma now that right there should definitley be an inscentive and the fact that my parents don't smoke either. Not too long ago I added up all the numbers and roughly at 6 packs a month for two years is over $800 ! just think of what use I could have put that money into besides paying to kill myself. I am going to stay away from people for a while that smoke to keep myself from that and my best friend just quit so we will no longer be smoking fiends together !!!!!!

Now. My second new years resolution is to grow in my faith with God Almighty ! I have been going to church since I was in my mommy's tummy, but now I'm realizing that since I do belive that God is real, why not try and actually be a christian ? I have just been praying all the time and that is definitley the way that I hang out with God, and I don't listen to really vulgar music or secular music talking about drugs, hoes, and sex so I think I'm on a roll ! I really feel that myself as a christian I am just a better person all around and I feel more helpful and useful to my friends and I feel like I can really hekp them when others can't. I feel like a really good person and that really does motivate me. I LUUHHH JESUS.

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